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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oops I Don't Like the Solution!

Okay in my first blog I complained about how all the "after School" activities began way to late in the day. -Really a better term would be "before bedtime" activities.

I also said I would have some solutions....Well I do, but....I don't like it!  The only thing I could come up would require me to step up and give up more free time!

It would appear to me that the only solution would be to start my own boy/girl scout troops and have them meet at the school, directly after school.

I honestly try to be the best mother ever....However I do not feel I can add that to my plate! Plus I have to admit part of me would like these things to be after school so it would give me more time to get things done.  This "wonderful" solution I came up with is the antithesis of that!

I am playing around with the idea of sending out fliers to see how many "takers" I have.  I could then see if I can put my marketing/sales background to work and convince someone else to run them......hmmmmmm

So anyway...would one of you out there think of  another solution?  OR.......

Maybe you have been longing to help mold the hearts and minds of today's youth, our countries future leaders.  And have just realized that THIS is the opportunity you've been looking for?  Many companies do let you take time off from work for community service.......(what do you think? Do I still have my sales skills? Have I sold you?)

Well that's it this week....still trying to get the house back together from 2 birthday parties and a leaking roof!

Before I go, would you also try and come up with a solutions to kids organized sports having practice and/or games on a Sunday....When do we get a day of rest? What about church? What about visiting our elder family members?  What about REST?!


  1. Sometimes, we're just over-evented and we should just let kids be kids. They can play in the backyard, spend time with family or have a play date at home. When did kids acquire these crazy schedules? They need their own blackberries. Prioritize, simplify and relax a little.

    1. I hear ya. But it's not that easy....First of all there are very few kids available for play dates. They are in after school care because parents are at work. Second. Gym is now "wellness"....translation.. very little exercise. They focus on self worth, healthy eating and yoga :/ So if you want your K-4th graders to experience team sports and have physical have to sign up for "after School" sports programs! Third Playing in your back yard gets old fast for them! They get board with their toys, their siblings and their parents fast! Sheesh!

    2. I heard Mission Fitness in Glastonbury started a Kid Camp - boot camp for kids - circuit style - you might want to check it out then -
      Gym = wellness with yoga? Yikes
